“Præstat cautela quam medela” (Prevention is better than cure).

Health and longevity have always been pillars in Asian culture focusing on preventing diseases and living a healthy life.
Maybe because most people take long to realize time is the most precious resource we have, and humans are mostly equal in front of time no matter how wealthy they are or where they are born.
There are many ways to accumulate more of this priceless resource, one of them is by taking control of your health and lifestyle early in order to maximize the amount of time you will have to spend on our beautiful planet.

Occidental cultures are usually less focused on the prevention than the cure, leaving decisions for their health as a reaction rather than having a proactive behaviour.
Time and numbers do not lie, and occident may have a lot to learn from other approach such as Asian and Eastern cultures.

Following this understanding, we believe the journey to a healthy lifestyle begins in your body, by knowing yourself „inside out“.
Understanding your body, your deficiencies and risks is the starting point to make positive changes in your lifestyle and improve your health.
Improvements (sport, diet, behavior, etc.) can have direct impact as well as long lasting impact such as lowering the risk of future disease.

Your blood is an incredible source of information and can tell you a lot about your health.

Similarly to a mechanic checking the different fluids to detect anomalies in your engine,
checking your blood and other parameters can help to identify issues and potentially direct you to more in depth testing and diagnostic to prevent future diseases and complications.
Blood tests can be used as part of a regular check-up or to help diagnose an illness or genetic condition.

There are various methods in order to conduct blood test, from venous blood sample (from your arm) to less invasive finger-prick blood test.

Venous blood test are more invasive as they collect a large amount of blood allowing to test for a full range of biomarkers.
Finger-prick blood test are less invasive as they collect a smaller amount of blood (and can be conducted by you, from home) but do not allow to test all the biomarkers.
Our vision is that both of these test are complementary, while the venous blood sample can be valuable on less regular intervals in order to proceed to „full check-up“ with your GP,
less invasive finger-prick blood test can be used more regularly in order to check on specific biomarkers and proactively work on improving your health over time.

Interesting, but what can a blood test actually show ?

Your blood contain a vast amount of information about your health, your predisposition to disease as well as how certain behaviours and lifestyle are impacting your body.
Monitoring your health with regular blood test can give you snapshots of your body condition at a T time and allow you to apply changes to improve your overall health.
Blood test can help you to better understand your vitamin and mineral levels (B12, iron levels, etc.), your cholesterol levels, how well some of your organs are functioning (liver, kidneys, etc.),
your blood sugar levels (and the associated risks of diabetes), your thyroid function and other infections and potential genetic conditions.
As well as giving you a snapshot of your current health, you can use a blood test to keep track of your risk of long-term chronic diseases like heart disease and diabetes.

How to do a blood test ?

Venous blood test are usually collected by a nurse (or GP, laboratory staff, etc.) while finger-prick blood test can be done by you from your home.
At-home test use the same accredited labs and methods to test your sample as the laboratory/hospitals, only with a smaller amount of blood.

Come and check Healthycheck offering and features in order to take a pro-active control of your Health today !

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