Liver function

A liver function test is performed to determine the health of the liver by measuring the levels of bilirubin, liver enzymes, and proteins in the blood. The liver functions test also helps to detect or monitor liver diseases such as hepatitis. The liver´s main responsibility is to get rid of harmful toxins, convert nutrients, produce cholesterol, fight infections, maintain hormone balances, and store minerals and vitamins.

What are the reasons for it to change?

The health of the liver is significantly influenced by a person’s lifestyle. An unhealthy lifestyle can cause the liver to be inflamed, diseased or infected. A healthy diet and enough exercise play an important role in keeping your liver functioning well.

When should I get tested?

You should consider getting tested if you are experiencing symptoms such as:

What is being tested:​

Gamma-glutamyl transferase (Gamma GT) is an enzyme which is primarily found in the liver. It helps to break down toxins and drugs. Gamma GT is measured to check for signs of liver disease or damage.
Alanine transferase is an enzyme which is mainly found in the liver. It is measured to check the liver function. ALT helps to break down the proteins in the body so it can absorb them.
Albumin is a protein that is produced by the liver and helps to transport hormones and nutrients. Albumin level are measured to check the kidney and liver function.
Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) is an enzyme found in the blood that helps to break down proteins. Measuring the level of ALP helps to make sure that the liver and gallbladder is functioning well.
Bilirubin is a yellow substance that is produced during the break down of red blood cells which is eventually excreted out of the body. Bilirubin levels are used to check for liver damage and gallstones.
Globulins are a group of proteins that are made in the liver and by the immune system. Measuring the level of globulins is used to see how well the kidneys and liver are functioning.
Total protein is calculated by adding the total globulin and albumin levels. Calculating total protein helps to see if there is kidney and liver are functioning well.